Iain and Bridget's Narrowboat Hermes XI needed repainting and they engaged me to tackle the job at Stafford Boat Club.
The Boat (formerly nb"Red Deer") has been renamed Hermes XI in memory of Iain's service on the Royal Navy's Hermes X in the Falklands conflict.
So the challenge is to invoke the memory of this....

In This...
Luckily Iain was very specific about the paint scheme and layout he wanted (including the fact that although Hermes X was covered in rust after action in the south atlantic, corrosion should be not in any way be evident in Hermes XI!)
As with any paint job the old addage of "fail to prepare; prepare to fail" has to be on your mind from the start!!
The usual scraping, sanding, grinding and scrubbing is always a joy to get stuck into...
Careful priming, undercoating and glossing whilst gently rubbing down between coats is essential to gain the lustre of a long lasting finish.
The colour scheme is a simple two tone atlantic grey and jet black.
Inevitable intrusions into the wet dock by Stafford boat club members and customers alike are a welcome distraction from my labours.
Always gracious and helpful enough to form an opinion on the activities of contractors like myself, it was pointed out to me several times that this boat "would end up looking like a bloody battleship!"
Luckily as i muttered "NIL FAECAETUM SHELOCKIUM" it was drowned out by the dulcet tones of radio three, and suggested that before bandying ideas such as coachlines about, that they acquaint themselves with the customers record of war service, and let him have his boat painted whatever way he chooses!
It looks a bit shinier than a traditional Navy paint job but the idea is'nt far out.
Iain and bridget are chuffed and that's the point of the exercise!
A tribute to HERMES X in her earlier days...