Monday 23 March 2015

NB "Quercus"

Everything has its day, and the sun has set on the shower room on narrowboat "Quercus"!!

Tight a space as this is to wash, the only access to the shower area is over the step of this steel hip bath. The plastic wall covering has seen better days!

A bit of stripping out didnt reveal too many problems, I've reinforced the floor under where the old bath was to support a new shower tray.

 Cladding the small cubicle on top of a 1200mm x 700mm stone resin shower tray makes the new facilities seem cavernous, and removes the slip hazard of the old hip bath installation.

So much for the great unwashed eh! There's no excuse now!!

.... bet you're wondering whats under the gunnel aren't you?....

Checkmate x